Computer stuck on windows is loading files

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This time all permissions seem to be set up right automatically and no problems with the registry.

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I could not fix the problem and had to reinstall windows 7 and upgrade to 10 from there.

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Another thing that might have been my problem is that I removed the read and execute permissions from Users group which made it so I did not have access to load up my computers C drive on boot because I wasn't logged in to an administrators account to have access to it. UPDATE: I know now that changing the owner ship of your C Drive from SYSTEM to any other user will result in you changing the root of the windows registry causing it to boot loop. It started up and went through the black loading screen with the windows 10 logo and then it went to the blue loading screen before the login page. I hit continue anyways and some errors came up but I kept clicking continue and everything seemed to work fine. When I was almost finished it had some warnings saying I was changing the registry or something of that matter.

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So I followed This Link to try and fix it. So recently I had reinstalled windows onto an ssd and everything was fine except for the fact that some file were restricting my account access from them even though I am device administrator.